Live From Blackpool!

Scheduled on

Friday 14:00 17:00

... with The God of Thunder

Live From Blackpool! is the perfect way to get you through those long, Friday afternoons where all you want to do is to go home. The God of Thunder is no different.


Although known as a bit of an authority on rock music, the goaty one likes to mix it up, especially on a Friday afternoon. He could, and often does, play absolutely anything, depending on how he feels. A mixture of old and new music (some things you may even know, one or two you won’t) from all styles and eras. There is also The 3@3:33, the popular musical brain-teaser game. He plays three tracks that are, in some way, connected. All you have to figure out the machinations of the dark, dank, twisted maze that is His mind, and figure out what links the tracks. Easy when you know the answer.

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